Gift Voucher



Regulations concerning ordering and using Make Me Bio gift vouchers – for indyvidual customer.

§ 1.

The terms used in the hereby Regulations are defined as follows:

1. The issuer of the gift voucher (hereinafter referred to as the Issuer) – Make Me Bio S.C. located in OtwockNIP: 5322045548, address: ul. Wczasowa 5, 05-402 Otwock, Poland;

2. Gift Voucher (hereinafter referred to as the Gift Voucher) – an electronic type of a dedicated voucher, generated by the Issuer as a number and letter sequence or only a numerical code (digital) confirming the right of the User to exchange the value included in the Gift Voucher for goods having an expiration date, with electronically assigned information about its value, provided that the Gift Voucher is neither a payment card nor another electronic mean of payment as defined by the applicable provisions of law, in particular, the Gift Voucher is not subject to the tax law on the goods and services, and thus only a document confirming the issuance of the Gift Voucher or a debit note is issued to the Customer by the Issuer; The Gift Voucher cannot be used in the Issuer's shops not listed on it;

3. Customer – a person receiving the Gift Voucher from the Issuer;

4. User – a person using the Gift Voucher;

5. Value to use – the amount assigned to the Gift Voucher, accordingly to the choice of the Customer, up to which the User can purchase the offered goods in the online shop The Gift Voucher Values to use in Make Me Bio online shop: 50 PLN, 100 PLN, 200PLN, 500 PLN;

6. Make Me Bio online shop – the online shop run at, in which the Gift Voucher can be used;

7. Purchase – the operation made by the means of the Gift Voucher involving the exchange of the Gift Voucher for goods, wherein each type of the Gift Voucher, during its validity, can be used by the User repeatedly until maxing out; the rights concerning the Gift Voucher expire after making the Purchase and the User will be entitled to no further claims regarding receiving the Gift Voucher, in particular, regarding the amount paid for it or the remaining Value to use.

§ 2.

1. The Gift Vouchers have the form of a number and letter code is an electronic means of Value to use inscribed in the graphic representation of the Gift Voucher.

2. The Gift Voucher can be used in the Purchase process only.

3. The Gift Voucher has an expiration date – 12 months from the date of purchase of the Card, i.e the value of the Gift Voucher is subject to exchange for the goods only within the period indicated on it. The Gift Voucher expires after the validity period and the User will be entitled to no further claims to the Issuer regarding receiving the Gift Voucher, in particular, regarding the amount paid for it or the remaining Value to use.

4. The Issuer holds no responsibility for the mistakes of the Customer during the process of creating or generating the Gift Voucher, resulting in faulty delivery (e.g. providing wrong e-mail address of the User). The Customer and the User have the right to report loss or damage of the Gift Voucher in order to block it. The Gift Voucher shall be blocked promptly, not later than the next working day.

5. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase agreement within 14 days from the day of sending the Gift Voucher to the address of the User provided by the Customer. The withdrawal can be made via e-mail directed to the Issuer. In such a case, the Gift Voucher shall be deactivated promptly, not later than the next working day after receiving the Customer withdrawal by the Issuer.

6. The Customer withdrawing from the Gift Voucher purchase (i.e. via e-mail) guarantees that the Gift Voucher remains unused by the User until deactivation. If, between the time of receiving the Customer withdrawal and the deactivation, the User uses it, the Issuer will be exempt from the obligation of refunding the Gift Voucher value to the Customer.

§ 3.

1. In order for the Gift Voucher to be sent to the User, the Customer is obliged to make the payment accordingly to the Value to use.

2. The Issuer does not hold responsibility for the consequences of the inability of using the Gift Voucher, resulting from circumstances, which the Issuer is not accountable for, in particular, concerning the expiration date or insufficient Value to use in relation to the prices of goods offered in the shop.

3. The Issuer is not a party in the legal relationship of the User and the Customer.

§ 4.

1. The Gift Voucher can be used only by the Customer registered and logged in the online shop.

2. The Gift Voucher can be purchased by the Customer by the means of the application provided by the Issuer on the website

3. In order to purchase the Gift Voucher in the electronic form, the Customer is obliged to follow the procedure indicated in the application.

4. By the means of the application, the Customer is entitled to determine the following features of the digital Gift Voucher: nominal value (Value for use), User details (e-mail address), delivery date.

5. Threshold discounts are calculated during the process of purchasing products.

§ 5.

1. The User may only use the Gift Voucher previously activated by the Customer due to making the payment according to the Value to use.

2. The Gift Vouchers cannot be exchanged for money.

3. In order to protect the Customer or the User interests, the Issuer reserves the right to temporarily block the ability of using the Gift Voucher on the User or Customer request.

4. The User of the online shop Make Me Bio Gift Voucher executes it through entering the unique Gift Voucher code in the required field: 'Place to enter the code' and the unique PIN code. The basket value will be reduced by the Gift Voucher Value to use determined during purchasing products. The Purchase process is tantamount to the purchase and is subject to fiscalization.

5. A triple wrong entering of the PIN code will result in blocking of the Gift Voucher. The Gift Voucher can be unblocked by contacting Make Me Bio Customer Service at +48 22 612 29 33 or by email The Gift Voucher can be only accessed electronically, i.e. every operation is subject to verification within its validity and determining the Value to use in the Make Me Bio shop.

6. If the purchased products value exceeds the Gift Voucher Value to use, the Purchase can be realized under the condition of completing the payment by the User in accordance with the shop regulations.

7. If the Value to use exceeds the price of the purchased products by the Customer, the remaining value can be used within the expiration date of the Gift Voucher, in further transactions. The unused value cannot be exchanged for cash.

8. The Customer can use only one Gift Voucher per order. Gift Vouchers cannot be combined.

9. The Gift Voucher can be combined with other User discount codes.

§ 6.

1. The Gift Voucher can be used within the specified validity date until making a Purchase or blocking it on the Customer or User request.

2. In the event of loss of the Gift Voucher, it can be blocked by the Issuer on the request of the User via phone or e-mail: The Issuer holds no responsibility for Purchases made before reporting the loss. In order to block the Gift Voucher, it is obligatory for the User to provide the ascribed discount number.

3. The Issuer has the right to refuse realization of the Gift Voucher in the following events:

a. expiration of the Gift Voucher;

b. insufficient Value to use on the Gift Voucher regarding the price of products ordered by the User;

c. temporary technical problems making the use of the Gift Voucher impossible, which occurred due to reasons beyond the Issuer's control.

4. The execution of the Gift Voucher by the User is valid even if he entered into possession of it in an unauthorized manner, unless the Gift Voucher, despite the request for blocking, has not been blocked by the Issuer within the time specified in the hereby regulations.

5. The return of the goods purchased by the User via the Gift Voucher is possible under the same rules as applicable in the shop.

6. Taking a positive realization of a Customer complaint into account, in case of any problems regarding the Purchase realization via the Gift Voucher, the User shall report the above to the Issuer via phone or e-mail:

7. The complaints concerning the Gift Vouchers shall be realized by the Issuer in a written form within 14 days from receiving a written complaint from the Customer or the User. The complaints are to be addressed in a written form to the address of the Issuer.

§ 7.

1. In cases not regulated by the hereby regulations, the proper provisions of Polish law shall apply, and the matters arising from the hereby regulations are under the jurisdiction of the relevant Polish courts.

2. Before making the payment for the Gift Voucher by the Customer and before using the Gift Voucher by the User, both parties are obliged to refer to the hereby regulations and comply to them.

3. The content of the hereby regulations is available at  The Issuer is entitled to provide the Customer / User with the hereby regulations in a written form on every written demand.

4. The Issuer reserves the right to make changes in the hereby regulations at any time or to cancel the Gift Voucher programme without giving cause. The Issuer shall inform about any changes with a three-day advance on the website at The regulations changes cannot violate the rights of the Customers who had purchased the Gift Voucher before the regulations changes were made.  
